Fees & Funding > CSQ Eligibility

CSQ'S SAGT program will help you turn your experience into a formal qualification. SAGT is for those working in the industry — or looking to re-enter — but don’t hold a formal qualification. The program connects you to training and assessment services to identify the skills you already have, and provide the gap training you need to attain a nationally recognised Certificate III level qualification.
For the purposes of eligibility under this Agreement, all Participants under this Program must meet the following criteria.
(a) a Participant who has the right to work in Australia and is an Eligible Worker or Unemployed Eligible Worker in Queensland.
(b) be able to demonstrate RPL experience in seventy percent (70%) or more competencies required to complete the full Qualification.
(c) be an Apprentice or Trainee;
(d) through direct credit, achieve more than fifty percent (50%) of the minimum number of units required to complete the Qualification;
(e) be an Employee of an Authority (Employees of Local Councils are acceptable);
(f) be currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program;
(g) be a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO;
(h) be funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same Training being undertaken as part of this Program;
(i) be those Participants seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency) services under this Agreement.
Short courses are individual competencies and skills sets designed for workers wanting to update their skills and knowledge, meet compliance requirements, get a licence or diversify their skills. The Short Courses program provides funding to assist with upskilling and cross skilling workers in the building and construction industry.
BSBESB401 - Research and develop business plans
BSBESB402 - Establish Legal Risk Management Requirements of New Business Venture
BSBESB403 - Plan finances for new business ventures
CPCCBC4047A - Quality assure fire rated lining systems
CPCCOM2001 - Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCPCM3024 - Prepare simple drawings
CPCPCM4011 - Carry out work based risk control processes
CPCPCM4012 - Estimate and cost work
CPCCWC3003 - Install Dry Wall Passive Fire-Rated Systems
CPPFES2039 - Identify, Inspect, and Test Passive Fire and Smoke Containment Products and Systems
CPPFES2035 - Identify, Inspect and Test Fire and Smoke Doors
CPCCCM2012 - Work Safely at Heights
CPCCWHS2001 - Apply WHS Requirements, Policies and Procedures in the Construction Industry
CPCCPD3031 - Work Safely with Lead Painted Surfaces in the Painting Industry
CPCCWHS1001 - Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry
Greater Brisbane
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
For the purposes of eligibility under this Agreement, all Participants under this Program must meet the following criteria.
(a) a Participant who has the right to work in Australia and is an Eligible Worker or Unemployed Eligible Worker in Queensland.
(e) An Employee of an Authority (Employees of Local Councils are acceptable);
(f) Currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program (school based Apprentices or Trainees are acceptable);
(g) A contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO;
(h) Funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same Training being undertaken as part of this Program;
(i) Those Participants seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency) services under this Agreement.
The Higher Level Skills program provides eligible individuals with access to a subsidised training place in selected certificate IV level or above qualifications, and priority skill sets. The aim is to assist individuals to gain the higher level skills required to secure employment or career advancement in priority industries or to transition to university to continue their studies. Employers may also be able to access training to address workforce development needs.
Greater Brisbane
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
Greater Brisbane
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
For the purposes of eligibility under this Agreement, all Participants under this Program must meet the following criteria.
(a) a Participant who has the right to work in Australia and is an Eligible Worker or Unemployed Eligible Worker in Queensland.
a) an Employee of an Authority (Employees of Local Councils are acceptable)
b) currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program (school based trainees and apprentices excepted)
c) a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO
d) funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same Training being undertaken as part of this Program
e) those Participants seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency) services under this Agreement
f) Have already completed one (1) higher level skills training program in the current two calendar years (1 October – 30 September) at the
time of enrolment g) Enrolled in SAGT Skill Assessment funding